Board Matters

Wellington High School Board of Trustees

The WHS Board of Trustees is made up of elected and co-opted parent and kura whānau representatives, the school principal, a staff representative and up to two student representatives.

Our Board is committed to the values of:

  • Whānau
  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Ora
And is proactive in:
  • focussing on governance and strategic leadership
  • setting the vision for the school and supporting its special character
  • monitoring the school’s performance in raising student achievement and learning
  • ensuring compliance with legal and policy requirements
  • consulting with and working on behalf of, all stakeholders
The Board’s key areas of contribution are:
  • determining the school’s strategic direction; setting long- and short-term objectives through the Charter and the Strategic and Annual Plans, and monitoring progress against these
  • ensuring the school complies with the Education Act 2020
  • monitoring student achievement against the strategic objectives and national guidelines
  • ensuring that there is effective communication and consultation with the school’s community
  • developing and approving policies
  • appraising and supporting the Principal’s performance
  • setting the budget and taking overall responsibility for property and financial management
  • in support of Restorative Practices in the school, adjudicating serious disciplinary matters through the Disciplinary Sub-committee if required
When we meet:

The Board of Trustees generally meet once a month on a Monday at 6.00pm. Staff and interested parent/caregivers are welcome to attend. For catering purposes, please email the Principal’s EA / BoT Secretary if you would like to attend.

The next Board meeting will take place on Monday 17 June 2024. If you would like to attend, please email the Board Secretary for details.

Remaining Board Meeting dates for the rest of 2024 are as follows:

  • Monday 17 June
  • Monday 22 July
  • Monday 19 August
  • Monday 16 September
  • Monday 14 October
  • Monday 11 November
  • Monday 9 December

All meetings follow a set agenda which includes :

  • strategic decisions and governance discussions
  • confirmation of the previous meeting’s minutes
  • correspondence and other functional business
  • the Principal’s report
  • a finance and property report
  • reports from the student and whānau representatives
Confirmed Minutes










Board Documents

Wellington High School – Certified Annual Report 2023
(Year ending December 2023)

Becoming a Board Member:

The current trustees joined the Board in August 2022 and the next election will be held in 2025. There is provision for representatives to be co-opted onto the Board as needed, to contribute relevant skills and experience.

Contact us:

Anyone interested in any matters concerning the Board are invited to contact the following people for more information:

Board Chair
Wyatt Page

Dominic Killalea
04 385 8911 ext 825

Board Secretary
Alison Jeffery
04 385 8911 ext 824