Weekly Wrap Up

The Wrap Up (Term 1, Week 2)

This week we bring the Scholarship results from 2022, as well as some important information regarding the first Hui of 2023, school photos information, and the greeting from the Board.

Important Dates

  • Monday 13 February – Board meeting 6pm
  • Thursday 16 and Friday 17 February – School photos
  • Monday 20 February – Year 9 Meet the Teacher 6pm
  • Wednesday 22 February – Athletics Carnival
  • Monday 13 March – Board meeting 6pm
  • Wednesday 22 March – Learning Conversations
  • Thursday 6 April – Kāhui Ako – Teacher only day – School closed
  • Thursday 6 April – Term 1 ends

Important Information

First Hui 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Kia koutou te hunga hou o tēnei kura, ka mihi atu ki ō pae maunga kua hono mai ki tō mātou maunga o Pukeahu.
Kia ngā maunga kua hoki mai ano ngā mihi ano kia koutou mā.

As whānau Māori at our kura we have a direct line to inform change within our kura and to also support the many awesome kaupapa that happen at Wellington High School. We currently meet once a term to wananga the kōrero on top.

We would like to welcome you all to Taraika Marae on Tuesday the 21th of Feb from 6pm to attend our first hui of the year.

If you have any kaupapa that you would like to raise, please email Nicky at or myself at

If your tamariki needs a space or activity during the hui we will put a film on in one of the rooms nearby. In other words, bring your tamariki!

Finally if you would love to attend and get involved with the whānau group but can’t make it feel free to email Nicky or myself and/or join us via google meets. 

Google meets link:

Minutes and agenda:

Kia kore e roa ngā tuhinga,
Mā tōku kete, mā tō kete, whakatika ai te ao kia Māori,
Te Whānau a Taraika

Greetings from the Board

The Board extends a warm welcome to all new students and Whānau, and welcome back to all those returning to Wellington High School | Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu.

We hope that you are all well rested from the summer break and ready for a great year ahead.

The Board is responsible for the governance of Wellington High School. Its role is to provide a voice for our community, and to guide and support both our Principal and the talented, creative and passionate team of teachers, and support staff. We do this through our strategic plan and our shared values of excellence, working together, respectful relationships, and supporting others’ wellbeing. Our vision is “At Wellington High School we work together collaboratively and inclusively to inspire our community of active, connected, free-thinking learners.”

Our first Board meeting of the year will be held at 6.00pm, on Monday 13 February. Our meetings are held in public. Please contact the Board Secretary if you would like to attend. Everyone is welcome.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Nicky Birch
David Cooling (Chair)
Bella Das
Nīkau Edmond-Smaill
Dominic Killalea (Principal)
Richard Ngatai
Evžen Novak
Wyatt Page (Deputy Chair)
Hannah Paton-Smith
Jorah Ramlan-Pointon
Giovanni Tiso
Nick Tramoundanas


Our school photos take place on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 February. 

All year levels will have a class photo, and Year 9, 11 and 13 students will have ID photos. Students wanting to have sibling or group photos will be able to do so after school on the Thursday.

There is no need to order photos in advance. Later in the term, students will receive an individualised envelope with their portrait displayed and instructions on how to order.  

The schedule for the day is below.

Thursday 16 February

  • Period 1: Internationals and Year 12
  • Period 2: Year 12 continues
  • Period 3: Year 11
  • Rōpū: Year 11 continues
  • Period 4: Year 11 continues
  • Period 5: Year 10

Friday 17 February

  • Period 1: Year 9
  • Period 2: Year 9 continues 
  • Period 3: Year 13
  • Rōpū:  Year 13 continues
  • Period 4: Year 13 continues
  • Lunch: WERO Leaders, Peer Supporters, Sports Captains
  • Period 5: He Kākano

If you have any queries, please contact your student’s rōpū teacher.

What’s Happening?

Music Lessons 

Itinerant music lessons will begin from Monday 13 February. Timetables will be available online through the school hub here on Sunday evening, and also printed out and displayed in the Music department from Monday morning.

Extracurricular music groups will also start up from next week. Keep an eye on the school notices for what is happening each day.



We have recently received scholarship results for 2022. WHS students received 21 in total, with 17 students achieving 21 scholarships, including:

  • Our Board reps, Nikau and Bella both gained it in Religious Studies. Nikau and Bella are both Year 13 students this year, and are taking 100 Level courses through Victoria University.
  • Theodore Keith in Year 10 last year got Calculus, which is a remarkable result for a junior student!
  • Atom Gush received an outstanding in Chemistry, bringing his total to 4 scholarships overall.
  • Jonathan Dransfield received an outstanding in Printmaking, and full marks overall, so will have a chance for Top Scholar. His work is pictured below.

Thank you for all the donated time that the teachers put in to support these students.

Four NCEA Scholarships for Level 3 DVC students!

Congratulations to Design and Visual Communication (DVC) alumni: Mali Courche, Shaun Clark, Levi Oliver and Mara Williscroft! Each student was awarded NCEA Scholarships in DVC in 2022 for their highly creative spatial design projects. We wish you all the best for your tertiary studies in design and engineering!


Australian Junior (U20) Fencing Championships

Nolan had a great fencing day in the Australian Junior (U20) Championships in Melbourne. He got 9th place in the Men’s Junior Epee individual event, and his team (NZ A team) won gold medal in the Junior Men’s Epee Teams event.