Important Dates
- Monday 3 February – Full timetable all years
- Thursday 6 February – Waitangi Day (school closed)
- Monday 10 February – Board Meeting 6.00pm
- Thursday and Friday 13-14 February – School Photos
- Thursday 20 February – Aroha Day
- Monday 10 March – Board Meeting 6.00pm
- Monday 7 April – Board Meeting 6.00pm
- Friday 11 April – End of Term 1
Important Information
Students will no longer be able to connect to our wifi network using their phone unless they have an exception or their teacher requires them to be used for a learning activity.
An exception is granted where there is a medical need, or a learning support need. Exceptions from 2024 have carried over to this year. If circumstances have changed and your student needs an exception, please fill in some basic details in this form so that we can ensure your young person receives appropriate support. We will assess the application and make a decision by the end of week 3 (Friday 14 February).
To support our cell phone policy, we request that you don’t allow your student to have an unlimited data plan. If your young person needs to contact you during the day they will still be able to do this with their phone (by phone call or text). However, in general, phones should be switched off and kept in bags, and out of sight, when at school.
Please note that connections using a laptop computer device are unaffected by this change to our policy.
WHS Itinerant Music Lessons
There’s still time to sign-up for music lessons at Wellington High School. We offer a fantastic opportunity for students to learn an instrument at no cost, with guidance from a specialist tutor. Lessons are generally held in small groups, lasting 20-30 minutes weekly, and are scheduled during class time on a rotating basis to reduce disruption to regular timetabled classes. For more information and sign-up click here
What’s Happening?
Pōwhiri 2025
This term we were delighted to welcome new students and staff to our kura and share kai at several pōwhiri during the week. All images are on our website here
Shakespeare 2025
Our Shakespeare Society directors have been hard at work over the summer getting everything ready for our 2025 production of Romeo and Juliet. If you are interested in acting or being part of the backstage team, there will be a meeting in the Gallery at lunchtime on Wednesday 5 February. You can meet the directors, find out all about the show, and pick up a script, or sign on for backstage. Auditions will be in week 3. Check out the video below – and come to the Gallery Wednesday lunchtime to find out more.
The Aotearoa Bike Challenge
From 1 – 28 February individuals and organisations across New Zealand will compete to see who can get the most people riding a bike.
It doesn’t matter if you ride every day or haven’t been on a bike in years, you can ride anywhere anytime in February to take part. There are prizes to win for riding and encouraging your friends and colleagues to ride too
Wellington High School is registered so why not consider joining WHS staff and students by visiting and search for Wellington High School.
WHS Sports Merchandise
Come along and get yourself some lovely items of WHS sports merchandise. These are available for sale at Student Services. Sports hoodie is selling at $65 and warm-up top $45 and comes in a range of sizes to fit everyone.

Gateway Work Experience for Year 12 & 13 Students
Applications are now open for Gateway work experience 2025.
You can collect an Expression of Interest form from Student services, or email Paula Willis at All application will need to be signed by a parent or caregiver.
Gateway work experience is for one day a week for a term/10 weeks or over a school holiday period. Being on Gateway the student will achieve a minimum of 10 to 20 credits on a Health and Safety course and a Work Ready course or Industry-based unit standards.
Gateway is not a timetabled class and successful students will have to catch up on the school work they miss due to the work placement. Students can choose a day that works best for them and that least impacts their school timetable, students must have a high level of attendance at school.
Some areas our students have done their work experience in are:
Animal care
Aviation/Airport work
Computer Repair
Corporate office work
Horticulture (WCC)
Live sound, Event management or Photography (Zeal)
Physical fitness trainer
Predator control
Radio host
Trades: builder, electrician, plumber, mechanic, panel beating, metal fabrication & joinery
Youth Services (Youthline).
Te Kura Summer School Registrations Are Now Open
Tēnā koutou katoa
As we reach the end of Term 4, registrations are now open for Te Kura Summer School. Students can register anytime between now and 24 January 2025.
Our popular Summer School is a good backup option for ākonga who need a few extra NCEA credits to move on to further study, training, or employment.
Courses are delivered online from December to February, so with access to a computer and the internet, ākonga can learn anywhere and anytime. Standards are available at NCEA Levels 2 and 3.
Our qualified kaiako (teachers) are already gearing up for the first day of Summer School on 17 December, and will be available online to support ākonga with their studies.
Our Student and Whānau Support team is also available to answer any queries. Please phone 0800 65 99 88 or email