Important Dates
- Monday 13 May – Junior Parents Evening 2.00-6.00pm
- Friday 17 May – PPTA Paid Union Meeting – school closes at 12.00pm
- Monday 27 May–Thursday 30 May – Corequisite exams for some students in Years 10 – 13. A modified timetable will run this week with periods 1-3 before lunch at 12.20pm and periods 4 and 5 after lunch from 1.20pm
- Friday 31 May – Teacher Only Day – school will be closed
- Monday 3 June – Monarch’s Birthday – school will be closed
- Tuesday 4 June – NCEA Teacher Only Day – school will be closed
- Monday 10 June – Open Evening for 2025 – school finishes at 3pm
- Friday 28 June – Matariki holiday – school will be closed
- Friday 5 July – End of Term 2
Important Information
PPTA Paid Union Meeting
Friday 17 May
The Post Primary Teachers’ Association has directed members to attend a round of branch-based union meetings held under the provisions of Section 26 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
The meeting for Wellington City PPTA members will be held at 1pm on Friday 17 May at Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua. To enable Wellington High School teaching staff to attend the meeting, school will finish at 12pm. This means that periods 1 to 3 will run as normal on this day and students will leave school at 12pm.
Metlink Fares for under 25 are changing – 1 May 2024
The government has made the decision to withdraw the government funding for the age-based concessions that have been in place since 1 September 2023. As a result, fares for children aged 5-12 and young adults under 25 years old will automatically return to the standard price fares from 1 May 2024. The current age-based concessions are funded by the government. Click here for more information.
What’s happening?
NCEA Information
The community Partnership team at the Ministry of Education are running a webinar on “Demystifying NCEA’ on Monday 6 May from 6pm until 7.30pm. Register here.
Blank Canvas Exhibition
Calling all Wellington High School students and staff! Showcase your creativity in the annual Blank Canvas Exhibition. Bring your artwork to the Art Department by Week 9, Thursday June 27. The exhibition will run at the end of the term. Express yourself through painting, sculpture, photography, spelling, whakairo, or any medium. Don’t miss the chance to share your talent and be part of this celebration of art and imagination! Come talk to an art teacher if you have any questions.
Register your artwork here:
WHS Shakespeare Society presents The Two Gentlemen of Verona
WHS Shakespeare Society is putting the finishing touches and technologies in place for the 2024 production – The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Set in the 90’s (early 00’s) the basics are that a few people fall in love, it gets a bit complicated, and there’s a dog. Don’t miss it!
The show is every night from Monday 6 May – Friday 10 May at 6.30pm. Tickets are on sale now for waged $10/unwaged and students $5.
Click here for tickets.
Emission Reductions in Schools & Kura
We are excited to share that Wellington High School has been selected to participate in a Transport Pilot organised by the Ministry of Education in partnership with SportNZ and DecarbonEd.
The programme will empower our students with the tools they need to envision and create a low-carbon future. Transport is the beginning of this journey. We will utilise our unique carbon footprint and data collected through the pilot to understand how our staff and students travel to and from school and to consider what transport options we want for the future of our community.
Along with our carbon footprint, the pilot programme will provide data tools to model potential changes, curriculum resources, and a Carbon Neutral School Lead.
Should you wish to know more about this programme, please visit the Emission Reductions in Schools & Kura page, and should you have any queries, please contact
Otago Maths Competition
Congratulations to Giotto Appierdo, Clark Gerrard, Zakia Goddard, Isla Kalderimis, James Punter and Thomas Olav Griffith-Jones who made it through to the second round of the Otago Maths Competition.
That means that they have met one of the of the following requirements:
- Placed in the top 15% of their year level nationwide.
- Placed outside the top 15% of their year level nationwide, but have placed in the top 50% of their year level nationwide and have achieved the highest score in their year level at their school.
We wish them the best in the second round which takes place on Wednesday 15 May.
Underwater Hockey World Championships
Maddy Murdoch (13LNA) has been named as Vice captain of the NZ U19 Underwater Hockey team to compete in the World Championships in Malaysia in July. Trials for the team started a year ago and have included a development tournament against Australia. The squad was gradually reduced until the final 12 were selected last Sunday at the latest training camp.
We wish Maddy and the U19 UWH team the very best of luck in Malaysia.
Taite Music Prize
An ex WHS student, Vera Ellen won the Taite Music Prize. Here is a link to the RNZ story.

Wellington Phoenix Contract
Congratulations to our very own Wellington High School alum, Gabriel Sloane-Rodrigues, on signing a three-year contract with the Wellington Phoenix football team! Gabriel has shown incredible talent and dedication throughout his journey, and we couldn’t be prouder to see him take this significant step in his career. From the halls of Wellington High to the pitch of professional football, he has truly made his mark!
Here’s to a bright future ahead, Gabriel! Your Wellington High School family is cheering you on every step of the way. Go Phoenix!
Women’s U19 National Team – WFC 2024
Best of luck to Eva Baker 12RHJ and Aoife Traynor 12BSE who are representing New Zealand in the 11th Women’s U19 World Floorball Championships 2024 from 8-12 May in Lahti, Finland.
A ‘Dramatic’ finish to Term 1
WHS Drama was super busy and productive in the last couple of weeks of Term 1.
The two Year 13 classes put on a 3 night season of the biographical devised pieces and an extracurricular group of 5 students performed at the 33rd SGCNZ regional Shakespeare Festival, held every year up at WEGC.
Here is a small selection of images of their charming and confident 5 min student directed production. Directed by Willa McIver, Misha Waterfield played Puck, Rosie Buyck played Titania, Eddie MacKenzie-Harper played Oberon and Caspian van Dam played Bottom.
Welcome back to Term 2. It has been a busy week here in the Careers Department, we have some amazing events and opportunities coming up. For further details on upcoming events and to access the Careers Newsletter, please click here
If you are interested in any of these upcoming opportunities please contact Chuni Bhikha, Dean/Career Advisor, located in the Year 13 Dean’s office by Student Services.