News / Notices

Whanau Learning Check-in Evening – 14 April 2014

Whanau Learning Check-in Evening for Year 11 – 13 students and parents  is on Monday 14 April from 3.30pm to 7pm.

This event is a chance for you to speak with your senior student’s subject teachers about their learning and progress in class, and is aligned with the Learning Conversation that has already begun with your student’s roopu teacher.

Bookings can be made online for this evening. There is a link from our School Website under the Whanau menu at or you can go directly to .
On the School Interviews home page enter the school code 92P96. Follow the steps to book your interviews with your student’s teachers.

Note that teachers are grouped in faculties. If you are having difficulty, please get in touch with Jude at reception (385 8911) or your student’s roopu teacher and they can organise interviews for you.

Please note that this event is specifically for families with students in Years 11-13. If you also have a junior student and would like to speak to their subject teachers, please contact their dean.